En Carril

Two-channel installation

On the right is an overhead shot of two pairs of hands, one bigger and more dominant. The bigger pair plays the role of the conscious mind and the smaller the subconscious. They exchange a pair of black and white rocks, symbolizing positive and negative thoughts respectively. At first, the thoughts flow effortlessly, there is harmony between the opposing forces. As tensions rise, the conscious mind begins to exert control over the subconscious until eventually, the system breaks.

On the left, a white rock stands on a pile of salt– one of the most polar molecules in terms of electronegativity– as a symbol of purity and absolute positivity. Light-absorbing ink is introduced as a negative disruption and slowly pours over the white rock. As tension rises between the two hands, the ink flow gains its own mobility and gets out of control, taking over the rock and once-pure pile of salt.

Audio is a mix of my own guitar recordings and Audition effects.

